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The aim is to create a fundraising committee to help raise funds to go towards the skatepark.  Although this is the main focus, there could also be potential to have a playground and toilet facilities pending the location.

Young Skater Relaxing


The target for us to fundraise is $97,447.95.  Below is a breakdown of how much we need to come up with.


  • $649,653.00 Grants Applications

  • $97,447.95 Fundraised Efforts

  • $100,000.00 Council

Skateboarder Jumping


How the funding will work?

We currently have Taurz Rehua-Yates looking into grants / funding applications if there is anyone else who is familiar with applying for these or you know of other places where we can apply please make contact with us via our email.



Are we a charitable trust?

Yes!  We will be going under the umbrella of the Waipa Trust this is also helps us to apply for grants such as:

  • Grassroots

  • Trillian Trust

  • Mitre 10

  • Rotary Club

  • Raukawa Charitable Trust

  • Tainui 

  • Maniapoto Trust

In partnership with

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